Tuesday, July 29, 2008

CARL North IT Interest Group Workshop

Susan and I made it out to the CARL North IT Interest Group's workshop on mashup technology and the art of remixing library and information resources at Santa Clara University last Friday. The workshop offered various levels of complexity on all things mashup related.

I'd have to say that my favorite presentation was from Harrison Dekker on the use of Google's Charts and spreadsheet gadgets for numeric data. As a user of Google docs, I was surprised to find that there are widgets to create nifty looking charts and moveable data. If you've seen Hans Rosling's presentation on Debunking third-world myths with the best stats you've ever seen, then you'll have an idea of what this looks like.

Other topics included Yahoo Pipes for aggregating feeds and web content; web applications used for visually searching the web; and an informative talk on social operating systems. Anyone interested in seeing any of the presentations can go to http://carlnit.blogspot.com.

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