Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kansas State Library vs. OverDrive

The Kansas State Library is fighting back after OverDrive offered her a contract renewal which would have increased her fees almost 700%.

This is only more proof that there need to be other players in the ebook market.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

AWE Order Period has started

We're happy to announce that the new order period for the AWE Early Literacy Stations has started - you can order up until May 13, and all of the orders will be combined so that everyone receives the lowest price (this is the 11th order we've done like this, and only once have we not hit the 50+ price point).
If you need to be invoiced in July, but want to take advantage of this order period, let me know and they can work out a special arrangement with you.
The pricing and order information is on the flyer here:

Monday, April 4, 2011

NYPL on Morning Edition

A great bit of PR for the NYPL in subscribing to the Berg Fashion Library from Oxford University Press.

We had a trial of this back in the fall, during the height of Project Runway mania, and it got a lot of use.  If you're interested in your own trial, or pricing, let me know.